Registration open for Sea Level and Coastal Change Annual Field Meeting 2016

Annual Field Meeting
Whitby and the North/East Yorkshire coasts: Monday 4th – Friday 8th July 2016
Conveners: Sarah Woodroffe, Natasha Barlow, Nick Rosser, Matthew Brain, Durham University
The meeting is being run in association with the COBRA (COastal Behaviour and Rates of Activity) project. The second annual field meeting of the Sea-level and Coastal Change (SLaCC) QRA Research Group will take place in North Yorkshire between Mon 4th – Fri 8th July 2016. The focus of this meeting will be on sea-level change, coastal processes and their geomorphic effects over a broad range of spatial and temporal scales in both low- and high-energy coastal environments. We welcome contributions that utilise a range of methods, from field and laboratory studies to physical and numerical modelling approaches.
The meeting will take place over four days, with oral and poster presentations on Tues 5th and Weds 6th July at Whitby Museum, North Yorkshire, UK. We will then visit coastal and glacial sites of interest along the North and East Yorkshire coastlines on Thurs 7th and Fri 8th July.
Registration and abstract submission will open on 1st March 2016, via our online booking system. The number of participants will be limited so we encourage you to register as early as possible. We particularly encourage postgraduate students and Early Career Researchers to attend as a way of receiving mentoring and support as training for larger, more formal international meetings.
Please visit the SLaCC webpage for information about this meeting.
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Ivan Haigh (University of Southampton)
- Martin Hurst (British Geological Survey)
- Nick Rosser (Durham University)
- David Evans (Durham University, field trip leader)